Results for 'Iñigo Baca Bordons'

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  1.  21
    Angelica Nuzzo, Approaching Hegel's Logic, Obliquely: Melville, Molière, Beckett. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2018. ISBN 9-781-438-47205-8 (hbk). ISBN 9-781-438-47204-1 (pbk). Pp. 454. $37.95. [REVIEW]Iñigo Baca Bordons - forthcoming - Hegel Bulletin:1-5.
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    Feeding the roots of self-expression and freedom.Jimmy Santiago Baca - 2018 - London: Teachers College Press. Edited by Kym Sheehan & Denise VanBriggle.
    Jimmy Santiago Baca, one of the foremost poets in America today, collaborates with two literacy professionals to present a teaching tool that includes curricular activities and probing questions crafted to help students heal through writing. Each exercise reinforces the theme that self-esteem borne from unique expression will improve student enjoyment and academic achievement.
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  3. Observation and “Science” in British anthropology before the “Malinowskian Revolution”.George Baca - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 54:81-83.
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    Patricia Hill Collins: Past and Future Innovations.Maxine Baca Zinn - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (1):28-32.
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  5. Cristianismo, Islam e Ilustracion. A proposito del discurso de Benedicto XVI en la Universidad de Ratisbona.J. Serafin Bejar Bacas - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (242):1025.
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  6. Aproximaciones a la imagen biblica Del hombre.Nelhbe Judith Bordón - 1977 - Humanitas 24:61.
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    Considering the role of ecology on individual differentiation.Tomás Cabeza de Baca, Rafael Antonio Garcia, Michael Anthony Woodley & Aurelio José Figueredo - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e145.
    Our commentary articulates some of the commonalities between Baumeister et al.'s theory of socially differentiated roles and Strategic Differentiation-Integration Effort. We expand upon the target article's position by arguing that differentiating social roles is contextual and driven by varying ecological pressures, producing character displacement not only among individuals within complex societies, but also across social systems and multiple levels of organization.
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    La Ciudad de México como escenario de la guerra : el pronunciamiento de José de la Parra y los combates de enero de 1858.Emmanuel Rodríguez Baca - 2023 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 21 (144):35.
    En el transcurso del siglo XIX, la Ciudad de México fue escenario de numerosos combates en el contexto de guerras civiles e intervenciones extranjeras. Su papel como centro político del país ocasionó que los ejércitos advenedizos buscaran consolidar su triunfo de manera simbólica con su ocupación. No obstante, fue también epicentro de varios movimientos militares, uno de ellos el que inició el 11 de enero de 1858 que detonó la Guerra de Reforma. Entre esta fecha y el 21 del mismo (...)
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  9. Conclusions and further Readings.Carlota Baca & Ronald H. Stein - 1981 - In Ronald H. Stein & M. Carlota Baca (eds.), Professional ethics in university administration. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
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    Fundamentos de Cristología II: Y la extrañeza se hizo entrañeza.José Serafín Béjar Bacas - 2006 - Salmanticensis 3:519-535.
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    Life's simple guide to God: inspirational insights for growing closer to God.David Bordon - 2007 - New York: FaithWords. Edited by Tom Winters.
    LIFE'S SIMPLE GUIDE TO GOD gives readers exactly what they need: a clear plan for getting to know the Creator of the universe. Relying on the Bible for direction, the book will offer an A-to-Z guide to help people who need a review of God's truth, those who want to find out more, or those who want to know how best to tell others about Him. Filled with practical tips and a clear process for moving closer to the Lord, this (...)
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    The Lawyer as Bias Buffer or Bias Aggravator.Robert C. Bordone - 2012 - In Jon Hanson (ed.), Ideology, Psychology, and Law. Oup Usa. pp. 447.
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    QAnon and the Epistemic Communities of the Unreal: A Conceptual Toolkit for a Sociology of Grassroots Conspiracism.Bojan Baća - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (4):111-132.
    The messy politics of combating the COVID-19 pandemic, compounded by the confusion caused by the global (dis)infodemic, have propelled conspiracism from the fringes of society into the public mainstream. Despite the growing political impact of digitally enabled conspiracy theories, they are predominantly delegitimized on three fronts – as psychopathology, pseudoscience, and/or parapolitics. In contrast, this article employs three non-pathologizing conceptual counteroffers borrowed from critical theory, deconstructionist historiography, and citizenship studies – namely, cognitive mapping, narrative emplotment, and performative citizenship – to (...)
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  14. A relativização da impenhorabilidade nos processos de execução: A imprescindibilidade da hermenêutica constitucional na análise do Caso concreto.Lucely Ginani Bordon & Rafael Bruno do Carmo Dias - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (1).
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  15. San Agustín y el neoplatonismo cristiano.Nellibe Judith Bordón - 2013 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 16 (32):211-217.
    El propósito de la presente comunicación es visualizar la gestación del neoplatonismo cristiano en el pensamiento agustiniano. Para ello nos inspiramos en lo afirmado por Giovanni Reale en su Introducción al Agustín de Werner Beierwaltes: “la cifra emblemática del pensamiento fi osófico de Agustín en sentido global es la expresada por él mismo en la clara fórmula: credo ut intellegam, intellego ut credam”, ‘círculo hermenéutico’ expresado por primera vez en Contra Academicos, III, 20, 43 y en De ordine, II, 9, (...)
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    Methods of cheating and deterrents to classroom cheating: An international study.Richard A. Bernardi, Ania V. Baca, Kristen S. Landers & Michael B. Witek - 2008 - Ethics and Behavior 18 (4):373 – 391.
    This study examines the methods students use to cheat on class examinations and suggests ways of deterring using an international sample from Australia, China, Ireland, and the United States. We also examine the level of cheating and reasons for cheating that prior research has highlighted as a method of demonstrating that our sample is equivalent to those in prior studies. Our results confirm the results of prior research that primarily employs students from the United States. The data indicate that actions (...)
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    Family, feminism, and race in America.Maxine Baca Zinn - 1990 - Gender and Society 4 (1):68-82.
    Feminist scholarship has advanced our understanding of the family's relationship to the economy and the state over different historical periods. Theorizing about gender, class, and family life has led us to conclude that global explanations of the family are false. Our knowledge about the meaning of racial stratification for family life, however, still remains fragmented. This article asks, What does including race have to offer the study of the family? Analysis of two streams of revisionist family scholarship demonstrates the need (...)
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    Difusión internacional de la investigación científica española en ciencia y tecnología en el período 1991-1996.María Teresa Fernández, María Bordons, Rosa Sancho & Isabel Gómez - 1999 - Arbor 162 (639):327-345.
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  19. La evaluación de la comprensión lectora.Teresa Bordón Martínez - 2009 - In Rosario González & Azucena Penas (eds.), Estudios sobre el Texto: Nuevos enfoques y propuestas.
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  20. Unesp.Rosío Fernandez Baca Salcedo, Samir Hernandes Tenório Gomes & Paulo Roberto Masseran E. Claudio Silveira Amaral - 2015 - In Evandro Fiorin, Paula da Cruz Landim & Rosangela da Silva Leote (eds.), Arte-ciência: processos criativos. São Paulo: Cultura Acadêmica Editora.
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  21. Fundamentos de cristología II:... y la extrañeza se hizo entrañeza.José Serafin Bejar Bacas - 2006 - Salmanticensis 53 (3):519-535.
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    Professional ethics in university administration.Ronald H. Stein & M. Carlota Baca (eds.) - 1981 - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
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    Chicanas/latinas Advance Intersectional Thought and Practice.Ruth Enid Zambrana & Maxine Baca Zinn - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (5):677-701.
    Despite the considerable body of scholarship and practice on interconnected systems of dominance and its effects on women in different social locations, Chicanas remain “outside the frame” of mainstream academic feminist dialogues. This article provides an overview of the contributions of Chicana intersectional thought, research, and activism. We highlight four major scholarly areas of contribution: borders, identities, institutional inequalities, and praxis. Although not a full mapping of the Chicana/latina presence in intersectionality, it proffers the distinctive features and themes defining the (...)
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    Spreading the Word.Erin Baca Blaugrund & James J. Hoffman - 2019 - Teaching Ethics 19 (1):53-62.
    Over the past two years, the College of Business (COB) profiled in this article spent time reflecting on where it had been, what it was doing, and where it needed to go in terms of teaching ethics. Based on this analysis, the COB developed an initiative to teach ethics to students, faculty, business people, government employees and officials, and others across its state so all of key stakeholder groups would have a greater appreciation for the benefits of ethical decision-making, the (...)
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    Reply to Van Lange et al.: Proximate and ultimate distinctions must be made to the CLASH model.Tomás Cabeza de Baca, Steve C. Hertler & Curtis S. Dunkel - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
    Transcending reviewed proximate theories, Van Lange et al.'s CLASH model attempts to ultimately explain the poleward declension of aggression and violence. Seasonal cold is causal, but, we contend, principally as an ecologically relevant evolutionary pressure. We further argue that futurity and restraint are life history variables, and that Life History Theory evolutionarily explains the biogeography of aggression and violence as strategic adaptation.
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    Ethical problems, conflicts and beliefs of small business professionals.Scott J. Vitell, Erin Baca Dickerson & Troy A. Festervand - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 28 (1):15 - 24.
    This paper presents the results of a national study of the beliefs and perceptions of small business professionals concerning ethics within their company and business in general. The study examined their views on the relationship between success and ethical conduct as well as the extent and nature of ethical conflicts experienced by the respondents. Some comparisons are made with similar studies that have been conducted in the past. Respondents have the most ethical conflicts with customers and employees, and with regard (...)
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    Guest editors' introduction.Esther Ngan-Ling Chow, Maxine Baca Zinn & Doris Wilkinson - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (3):341-345.
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    The Territorial Dimension: The Component of Business Strategy that Prevents the Generation of Social Conflicts.Alejandro Fontana, Susana Sastre-Merino & Maritza Baca - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (2):367-380.
    Taking advantage of economic opportunities has led to numerous conflicts between society and business in various geographies of the world. Companies have developed social responsibility programs to prevent and manage these types of problems. However, some authors comment that these programs lack a strategic vision. Starting with the Working with People model, created for the field of rural development planning, this paper proposes a methodology to prevent the generation of social conflicts from business strategy: the territorial dimension. The proposal emphasizes (...)
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    Potential research ethics violations against an indigenous tribe in Ecuador: a mixed methods approach.Esteban Ortiz-Prado, Katherine Simbaña-Rivera, Lenin Gómez-Barreno, Leonardo Tamariz, Alex Lister, Juan Carlos Baca, Alegria Norris & Lila Adana-Diaz - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-15.
    Background Biomedical and ethnographic studies among indigenous people are common practice in health and geographical research. Prior health research misconduct has been documented, particularly when obtaining genetic material. The objective of this study was to crossmatch previously published data with the perceptions of the Waorani peoples about the trading of their genetic material and other biological samples. Methods We conducted a mixed methods study design using a tailored 15-item questionnaire in 72 participants and in-depth interviews in 55 participants belonging to (...)
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    Strategic differentiation and integration of genomic-level heritabilities facilitate individual differences in preparedness and plasticity of human life history.Michael A. Woodley of Menie, Aurelio José Figueredo, Tomás Cabeza de Baca, Heitor B. F. Fernandes, Guy Madison, Pedro S. A. Wolf & Candace J. Black - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:134325.
    The Continuous Parameter Estimation Model is applied to develop individual genomic-level heritabilities for the latent hierarchical structure and developmental dynamics of Life History (LH) strategy LH strategies relate to the allocations of bioenergetic resources into different domains of fitness. LH has moderate to high population-level heritability in humans, both at the level of the high-order Super-K Factor and the lower-order factors, the K-Factor, Covitality Factor, and General Factor of Personality (GFP). Several important questions remain unexplored. We developed measures of genome-level (...)
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    Baca David García. Introducción a la lógica moderna. Collección Labor, Sección I ciencias filosóficas, no. 383. Editorial Labor, Barcelona 1936, 251 pp. [REVIEW]W. V. Quine - 1936 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 (3):112-113.
  32. Emmanuel Rodríguez Baca, El ayuntamiento de la ciudad de México y la Guerra de Reforma: 1857-1861: [reseña].Horacio Cruz García - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (151):140.
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  33. Kyā sāʼins hamen̲ bacā saktī he?George Andrew Lundberg - 1962 - Lāhaur: Shīsh Maḥal, bih ishtirāk Maktabah-yi Frainklin. Edited by ʻAbdulvāḥid.
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    Laudatio a Nellibe Judith Bordón.María Fátima Lobo - 2016 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 19 (36-37):13-16.
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  35. Islām ko molavī se bacāʼo.Rānā Tanvīr ʻĀlamgīr - 2016 - Multān: Majlis-i Fikr-i Nau.
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    Marc Wilde, Das unbekannte Schlüsselwerk: Die Madonna del Bordone des Coppo di Marcovaldo in Siena. Weimar: Verlag und Datenbank für Geisteswissenschaften, 2004. Paper. Pp. 308; 107 black-and-white figures. €42. [REVIEW]Rebecca W. Corrie - 2006 - Speculum 81 (4):1275-1276.
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    Heidegger and the Jews: The Black Notebooks. By DonatelladiCesare; translated by Murtha Baca. Pp. x, 310, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2018, £17.22. [REVIEW]Brian Harding - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (1):159-159.
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    Mouvementements: écopolitiques de la danse.Emma Bigé - 2023 - Paris: La Découverte.
    A passer du temps dans des studios de danse, voilà ce qu'on peut apprendre : nous, mammifères humaines, habitantes de Terra, sommes mouvementées par une multitude de forces. Loin d'être automobiles, loin d'être contenues ou contenables dans la petite usine de nos corps, nous débordons. Les écologies scientifiques nous en convainquent, les écologies politiques nous appellent à en faire une force insurrectionnelle. Et si nous apprenions, avec les écologies somatiques, à sentir et à célébrer nos débordements plus qu'humains? A l'heure (...)
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    Kosmos Noētos dan Kosmos Aisthētos dalam Filsafat Platon.Haryanto Cahyadi - 2015 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 14 (1):1-37.
    Abstrak: Apakah truisme kosmos noētos - kosmos aisthētos (dunia idea - dunia inderawi) yang amat populer dalam filsafat Platon benar-benar otentik atau sebuah anakronisme? Tulisan ini hendak menunjukkan bahwa truisme tersebut tidak tepat. Untuk membuktikan argumen ini, penulis akan mengidentifikasi genesis dan dinamika historis berkenaan dengan anakronisme, yakni bahwa kosmos noētos - kosmos aisthētos bukan berasal dari filsafat Platon, melainkan kreasi inovatif Philon dari Alexandria dan Plotinos dalam rangka justifikasi filsafat mereka. Dengan demikian, meskipun tafsir Philon dan terutama Plotinos kemudian (...)
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    Viđenje i interpretacija: Dvije metafore Karla Marxa i jedna teza o tehnici kao epistemološkoj figuri.Aleksandar Mijatović - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (1):161-178.
    Karl Marx u Njemačkoj ideologiji i Kapitalu uvodi optičku metaforu ljudskog oka kroz koju tumači problematiku ideologije i robnog fetišizma. U radu se razmatraju mogućnosti interpretacija ovih Marxovih metafora. U svjetlu se tih interpretacija razmatra jedna od središnjih postavki vizualnih studija da se vizualna kultura moderniteta gradi na potkopavanju epistemološke prevlasti viđenja. Rad problematizira koncepciju modernističkog utjelovljenog promatrača koju uvodi američki povjesničar umjetnosti Jonathan Crary. Prema Craryju, ova drugačija ideja promatračkog subjekta potkopava klasičnu filozofijsku ideju o rastjelovljenosti spoznajnog subjekta. Prema (...)
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    Subjek yang Ditelanjangi: Menelaah Konsep Biopolitis Modern dalam Cerpen Karya Faisal Oddang.Wahyu Gandi G. - 2021 - Yogyakarta: Gambang.
    Tulisan ini menggunakan teks cerpen Jangan Tanyakan Tentang Mereka yang Memotong Lidahku (JT2M2L) karya Faisal Oddang sebagai objek material dan konsep biopolitis modern Giorgio Agamben sebagai objek formal. Karya tersebut bercerita tentang seorang Bissu bernama Upe yang mengabdikan diri kepada Dewata. Bersama tokoh lainnya, mereka mengenang peristiwa berdarah yang pernah menimpa di tahun 1965. Didasarkan pada latar belakang tersebut, kajian ini bertujuan mengungkap state of exception yang dialami komunitas Bissu, serta menyingkap gambaran mereka selaku subjek usai dieksepsi dan menjadi bare (...)
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    Leonhard Swidler, Jesus was a Feminist What the Gospels Reveal about His Revolusionary Perspective, Lanham etc.: Sheed & Ward, 2007, 276 hlm. [REVIEW]Franz Magnis-Susesno - 2016 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 15 (1):98-101.
    Leonhard Swidler, guru besar teologi Katolik di Universitas Temple di Philadephia dan pendiri Institute for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue, termasuk teolog Katolik Amerika Serikat sangat terkenal. Delapan tahun lalu ia menerbitkan buku yang pantas diperhatikan. Judulnya saja mengagetkan: Jesus was a Feminist. Namun kita tidak perlu berprasangka. Buku ini bukan salah satu dari pelbagai tulisan ideologis. Yang dimaksud Swidler dengan feminis Yesus seorang feminis sangat radikal (h. 33) adalah bahwa Yesus vigorously promoted the dignity and equality of women in the (...)
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    Joas Adiprasetya, An Imaginative Glimpse: The Trinity and Multiple Religious Participation, Introduction by Amos Yong, Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick, 2013, xiv+202 hlm. [REVIEW]Eddy Kristiyanto - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 13 (2):276-282.
    Dalam pembacaan saya, karya yang sedang saya timang-timang ini tidak berlebihan jika diberi tajuk, “Belajar Mencipta Refleksi Ilmiah Teologis dari Joas Adiprasetya.” Oleh karena itu, pada tempat pertama, kepada Joas Adiprasetya saya menyampaikan proficiat atas dipublikasikannya hasil studi yang memahkotai ikhtiar menimba ilmu di School of Theology, Boston University, Massachusetts (USA), pada 2009 yang lalu. Studi formal Joas Adiprasetya bukan hanya sekedar selesai asal selesai, melainkan dengan kualifikasi maxima cum laude. Hal ini dapat ditilik dan dibuktikan dengan opus magnum yang (...)
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